Portfolio Management
Meditor uses a bottom-up stock-picking approach based on fundamental research and analysis. We study risks as well as rewards to form focussed equity portfolios.
After careful stock-level research we take positions in what we believe are undervalued stocks that have potential for favourable long term returns. If our analysis supports a case then we are not afraid to take anti-consensus positions or to stick with stocks when they are out of favour. Our long-term investment horizon and analytical approach allow us to ride out market turbulence and stay focussed on fundamentals. However, we retain flexibility to respond to changing circumstances, whether macro, industry or company-specific.
We maintain a concentrated portfolio of global equities, primarily in developed markets. Through long-term engagement we aim to steadily increase knowledge of portfolio companies and their management teams. We typically build positions over time and become one of the largest shareholders. We strive to be responsible owners, taking very seriously our responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and the societies in which the businesses operate.
After careful stock-level research we take positions in what we believe are undervalued stocks that have potential for favourable long term returns. If our analysis supports a case then we are not afraid to take anti-consensus positions or to stick with stocks when they are out of favour. Our long-term investment horizon and analytical approach allow us to ride out market turbulence and stay focussed on fundamentals. However, we retain flexibility to respond to changing circumstances, whether macro, industry or company-specific.
We maintain a concentrated portfolio of global equities, primarily in developed markets. Through long-term engagement we aim to steadily increase knowledge of portfolio companies and their management teams. We typically build positions over time and become one of the largest shareholders. We strive to be responsible owners, taking very seriously our responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and the societies in which the businesses operate.